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Meet Gautam Kaulsee | National Breaking Champion 2023, Red Bull BC one | Khel Aur Khiladi

#khelaurkhiladi #breakingdance #sportsinterview #sports #sportsmotivation #kheloindia #khel #vishumishra #gautamkaulsee #breakdancing #breaking #hiphopdance #sportsdance #streetdance #urbandance

In this episode we discuss the tenets of bboying or formally known a breaking, with Bboy Gini,who is also champion in breaking for India in 2023 red bull BC one. He walks us through his journey of exploring and proving himself to his peers,parents and critics and explains the process of training and the joy of victory. Bboy Gini has won extensively around the country and is an upcoming bboy from India on world stage. A must watch for all aspiring break dancing students of the new age

Vishu Mishra,
Radio Dwarka,
India’s First Online Community Radio,
1st September 2023, Friday

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